Saturday, December 13, 2008

Description of body building Supplement

Do you think there are many supplements in worldwide? It will make many of you confuse and doubt to select supplements that suitable for you. There are some question that I heard such as "What supplement should I eat if I want to build my muscle?", "What kind of Whey protein should I take if I want to diet?".
Today I will give you a short description of supplement and I try to sort supplement name A-Z and next time I will give more description in detail for each supplement.

- Whey Protein
- Soy Protein
- L-Carnitine
- Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA's)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Women, Weight Training, And Metabolism

When most women think about losing weight they usually attempt one of two options. The first is to go on a diet which involves eating fewer calories over the course of the day. The second option normally involves some form of aerobic exercise, whether it be jogging, bike riding or an aerobics class. The more intrepid losers of weight will combine the two approaches and will have some success getting rid of the extra weight. But more often then not the results are short lived and the weight comes right back on when they fall off the fat loss bandwagon and return to their more normal way of life.

But why is this? Isn’t the latest infomercial exercise guru exclaiming loudly the benefits of this diet or that piece of cardio exercise equipment? Unfortunately the ability to lose weight and keep it off is controlled by your body’s calorie burning engine. That engine is referred to as your metabolism. It’s simple really, the higher your metabolism the more calories you burn, even when doing nothing. That’s right, burn away that unwanted fat even when doing nothing.

So how do you increase your metabolism to the point that it is a constant fat burning machine?

It will come down to your dedication to do the things required to permanently lose the weight and keep it off because the rate at which your metabolism runs is based on the diet you eat and how active you are. It takes calories to burn calories, that’s the way your body’s metabolism works. But it is the type of calories that determines this. The healthier your diet the more calories you can eat without adding any additional fat.

But diet is only one part of the equation. The other is your level of fitness. There are two parts to any good exercise program, aerobic conditioning and weight training. Aerobic conditioning does burn calories, but once you are done with your workout your metabolism gradually slows down. You burn calories only during the time you are exercising. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do aerobic exercise because strong cardiovascular health is very important in this day and age.

But if you are truly looking for the ultimate in metabolism boosting fat burning exercises then you need to weight train.

And here’s why.

Weight training forces your body to build muscle. This muscle building process does not happen while you are lifting weights, it occurs for hours after your workout is over. Lifting weights actually breaks down muscle fibers, which react by getting stronger during the time after your workout is over when you are resting. It takes energy to rebuild these muscles. Calories, lots and lots of calories. Not only that, but the more lean muscle mass you posses the more calories are needed just to maintain that muscle. And we’re not talking about getting huge massive muscles. When you weight train you can adjust the amount of weight you use and sculpt your body anyway you see fit. Just firming up your overall musculature will tone and shape your body while at the same time making it possible to keep the weight off. It’s a win-win situation for anyone who is serious about losing weight and then keeping it off.

Weight training is the best way to boost your metabolism to its fat burning heights. Not only does it strengthen your body it burns calories while you are sleeping, turning your metabolism into a fat wasting machine.

If you have tried the diets and the aerobic machines but have little to show for it try combining them with actual weight training. You may be surprised by the changes you see.

About the Author:

If you want to learn more about how your metabolism works and why weight training and metabolism

Golf Swing Weight Training A New Approach

By: Mike Pedersen

Golf swing weight training is as specific as you can get in regards to golf training to improve power, distance and iron yardages with every club. Wouldn’t you love to add 10 yards to every iron? Instead of a 150 6 iron, you’re hitting a consistent 7 iron the same distance.

This alone will greatly improve your “greens in regulation” and getting more shots closer to the pin. The end result is a much lower score.

Golf swing weight training shouldn’t be new to you. You’ve heard all the pros train for their game. So why shouldn’t you? Here’s one secret that can add a quick 20 yards to your driver in less than a week or so.

Swing a weighted club!

This is not revelating stuff, but I’m here to tell you it’s one of the quickest and most effective ways to increase your distances with all clubs.

The benefit is developing the exact golf swing muscles from a strength and flexibility standpoint within your golf swing. You'll improve your backswing and follow through range of motion, as well as your power through the hitting zone.

In all my dvds, books and websites I preach the importance of a balanced routine of both golf stretching and strengthening exercises for all your golfing muscles. This is critical for your long term success.

I am an advocate of this approach, and strongly suggest you be too. There are many muscles swing the weighted club don't hit that can be affecting your game. Like the hamstrings, lower back and even abs.

But how about a little shortcut along the way?

Golf swing weight training is something I’ve personally been doing for over 10 years and I’m fortunate enough to say I can consistently drive the ball over 300 yards. I don’t say that to brag, but to say this type of training and approach is effective and works!

Because I’m not a big guy like all those long drive competitors, golfers are surprised when they see me hit a drive. They all seem to ask how can I do that? Immediately I go into my golf trainer mode and precede to tell them the importance golf swing weight training and working on the “machine” to hit longer drives.

Within a couple of holes they are hitting me with a ton of questions they want answered. By the time I’m done, I wished I hadn’t told them what I do for a living.

No I’m just kidding.

By doing a golf swing weight training program that incorporates strength, flexibility and weighted clubs you will see the quickest results that last long term.

Your golfing buddies might think your crazy, but you’ll get the last laugh.

The winning combination is swing technique and golf swing weight training!

About the Author:

Mike Pedersen is one of the top golf performance experts in the country, author of the Ultimate Golf Fitness Guide -

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Weight Training For Women: Fitness For Weight Loss

As obesity levels rise higher and higher around the world, there is one aspect to this problem that hasn't changed...

You have to expend some energy and put in some effort if you want to achieve weight loss and fitness with diet and slimming exercises and weight training.

While there are many ways to go about this one of the most efficient weight loss methods continually meets resistance... (Hmm. Maybe that's why it's called resistance training ...) namely, weight training.

Women generally have the hardest time accepting weight (resistance) training into their fast fighting repertoire. After all, few women want to bulk up and look muscular and less feminine...
and that's what'll happen if you pump iron, right?


The only time you see a female body builder is when they're posing on stage and a common reaction is 'Yuk. I don't want to look like that! I just want fitness and a nice slim figure.'

Yet if you saw those same women in normal clothes in normal situations you'd most likely want to have the trim, shapely body that they have.

The common misconception is that if you do weight training you are going to suddenly bloom out with muscles all over you. If only that were true; keeping the weight down would be easy.

The fact is, very few women could ever make themselves look like a Ms Olympia body builder. They are professional athletes who work incredibly hard in their training and on their diet in order to maximize their muscle mass and muscular appearance.

Believe me, getting too muscular is the least of your problems. So don't reject this major weapon in your arsenal against body fat on a mistaken assumption.

Instead, consider what weight bearing exercise will do for you in the war on fat:

1.Build a firm foundation to your muscle structure.

You have muscles all over you. We all do. Without them we wouldn't be able to move. Moderate resistance training is all that's required to firm and tone your muscles. Remember, it takes a lot of work to actually look muscular.

2.Burn more calories right away.

You know aerobic exercise burns calories while you've doing them but a real boost comes from weight training. Your metabolism (rate of calorie burning) stays quite elevated for 20-40 minutes after an aerobic workout. With resistance training your metabolism stays elevated for at least an hour after your workout. Overall your metabolism will stay somewhat elevated and boosts calorie burning for anything from 4 to 24 hours depending on the intensity. It is important that your resistance training be progressively increased in intensity.

3.Burn even more calories in the long run.

With resistance training you are actually building muscle tissue, which is very active metabolically in comparison to fat, which is nearly inert. A kilo of muscle requires 50-100 calories a day just to maintain itself. So the more muscle tissue you have the more energy (fat) you'll burn off just by living, even when you're resting!

4.Strengthen bones and supporting muscle structure

This is so you don't become prematurely old, stooped and weak and susceptible to injury. This is a major reason why even women who don't need to lose fat should still be concerned about maintaining muscle tissue.

5.Improve self-esteem.

When you look good you tend to feel good. With more toned muscle you not only look better but feel good because you actually have more energy. You feel more confident and positive about life, and better able to cope with stress.

So c'mon ladies, regardless of your age, let's assist your diet and slimming program and boost your general fitness. It's time to get into moving some weights around so you can move that excess weight off your body and raise the quality of body and life. Don't wait. Start your weight training today.

About the Author:

Alwyn Beikoff is an educator and personal performance coach who helps people the world over to change the way they think and create the body and life they desire.

Cardio Or Weight Training - Which Is Best?

By: Andrew Peacock

At some point in your exercise life, you'll ask yourself whether you should be focusing more on a cardio-only program, or a weights-only program. Most likely this will be when you hit a plateau in one of them, and feel that the time could be spent in the other type of exercise.

Does it really matter if you only do one type?

Yes, it does.

Let's take a look at the aims of the two types of exercise:

Cardio Workouts

Cardiovascular exercise mainly aims to develop and strengthen the cardiovascular system (which supplies your body with oxygen) through aerobic training. This means improving the ability of your heart, lungs, and blood vessels to do their job, working together more efficiently.

By improving your aerobic capacity, you increase the efficacy of your cardiovascular system. And research has shown, over and over again, the people who maintain a high level of fitness throughout their life have fuller, more productive lives as they get older. Plus.. they also live longer than non-exercisers.

We could be here all day listing the benefits of cardio exercise: lower blood pressure, lower ‘bad’ cholesterol and higher ‘good’, lower incidence of heart attack and stroke, lower risk of osteoporosis, overall decreased risk of most cancers, increased life span, and much much more.

Weight Training:

As you are aware, weight training strengthens the muscles, and by increasing our muscular strength, your body becomes more able to deal with everyday life, by being stronger, more agile, more flexible, and more able to recover from injuries.

Research has shown that people who do some weight training have many of the same benefits as people who do cardiovascular exercise. Weight training also decreases risk of bone fractures, as the weights help to build bone as well as muscle.

So Which Is Best?

As with many of these "either/or" discussions, the best thing to do is to combine both approaches. By having an exercise routine that uses both components, all aspects of your body will be enhanced and developed to make the most of what you are capable of. Cardio workouts strengthen the lungs and increase stamina. Increased stamina allows you to work longer on weight training. Increase muscle mass from weight training provides better support for your skeleton. A stronger skeleton and better aerobic capacity means that you can go on to do more exercise, and so it continues.

About the Author :

Find out more about exercise routines and advice at